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Complete  tracks, liners, lyrics, chords, & reviews to John Prine's Albums:

Standard Songs for Average PeopleTHE TREE OF FORGIVENESS

Standard Songs for Average PeopleFOR BETTER, OR WORSE


Standard Songs for Average PeopleTHE SINGING MAILMAN DELIVERS

Standard Songs for Average PeopleIN PERSON & ON STAGE

Standard Songs for Average PeopleSTANDARD SONGS FOR AVERAGE PEOPLE


John Prine album informationFAIR AND SQUARE


John Prine album informationSOUVENIRS


John Prine album informationIN SPITE OF OURSELVES


John Prine album informationLIVE ON TOUR


John Prine album informationLUCKY 13


John Prine album informationLOST DOGS & MIXED BLESSINGS


John Prine album informationA JOHN PRINE CHRISTMAS


John Prine album informationGREAT DAYS: THE JOHN PRINE ANTHOLOGY


John Prine album informationMISSING YEARS


John Prine album informationJOHN PRINE LIVE


John Prine album informationGERMAN AFTERNOONS


John Prine album informationAIMLESS LOVE


John Prine album informationSTORM WINDOWS


John Prine album informationPINK CADILLAC


John Prine album informationBRUISED ORANGE


John Prine album informationPRIME PRINE


John Prine album informationCOMMON SENSE


John Prine album informationSWEET REVENGE


John Prine album informationDIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH


John Prine album informationJOHN PRINE


John Prine album informationSINGLES