Sweet Revenge notes

    "I'd quit my job at the post office, I had this album out that got incredible reviews, and then this second one where the critics started to hit me. I think it got under my skin.
    'And the milkman left me a note yesterday, get out of this town by noon. You're coming on way too soon, and besides that, we never like you anyway' as quoted by Hunter S. Thompson, Fear And Loathing On The Campaign Trail     
    That's good enough for me!" ~John Prine

Notes about the Sweet Revenge album cover
~That car on the cover of "Sweet Revenge" is a 1959 Porsche Sportser. 
~Written somewhere was a note that the picture on the Sweet Revenge cover was supposed to show John as being "pissed off" that the record companies hadn't made him a star. Truth is, as John says "That wasn't true. I had just received my first large royalty payment and spent it on the Porsche because I wanted a car exactly like James Dean's." (thanks Kevin)

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