John Prine Prine Shrine Crush Fest party for the Prine Man Practically everyone was there at our John Prine Crush...fest,
Bikers, hikers, campers and pests (skeeters)
Big burly men with hearts of gold,
Old folks and young folks in singles and pairs,
Through rain soaks and long tokes we all came to share.

The frogs all joined in to the songs that we sang,
They needed some tunin',  but who gave a dang?
Though no sausages on the grill were a sizzlin'
(on account of a whole awful lot of drizzlin'),
We had our bonfire, stories, and songs
Way into the morning we all sang along...

©1999 Wildflower aka Sue McMullen

Crusher, PMS*red, Baby Ruth and Jike went to all 3 of the John Prine Wisconsin shows, met up  with a load of good people and had a big Prine fan gathering at the end of the week.  If you heard about WOGstock then you know what a great time Prine Fans have when they get together.

THE FESTERS..........  see who came.....wildflower's, kathy47, donna and more of PMS*red's  pictures have been added
THE STORIES......... Ive added some of the letters and notes from the festers
DIARY.................. The Diary is still not done....and probably won't be...
TEE SHIRT............  Official Crush...fest tee shirt and Prine Shrine hats we wore-they're all sold out...take a anyway, we sure stood out in the crowds.
THE SONG............. We started writing the lyrics to the Crushfest song, we didn't get very far - if you have ideas, please let me know (PMS*red) - and help paper train this puppy
E_MAIL FUN the festers had fun from Burlington to Burlington

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