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John Prine Concert Tour and Reviews 2007

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Saturday September 22, 2007 - Meyerhoff Symphony Center  Baltimore, MD with opener Keith Sykes
with back up band: Dave Jacques and Jason Wilber

by: Kushi Tan
See pictures & full review here:
   This past Saturday, I saw folk music great John Prine perform at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall. He was amazing. I last saw him when I was in college, and in the interim he was treated for throat cancer, so despite his voice being a little hoarser, he was still pretty great. It was an older crowd with a more than a few aging hippies. The acoustics of the place were fantastic
   He played with a bassist and another guitarist who also did double duty on a mandolin. He also went electric towards the end of his set as well. My favorite songs he did were "Whistle & Fish", "Angel from Montgomery", "Souvenirs", "Lake Marie", "In Spite of Ourselves", and "Speed of the Sound of Loneliness". The last one nearly got me choked up.


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